Zoll AED Plus

The ZOLL® AED Plus®

The ZOLL AED PlusTM is an automated external defibrillator (AED) that has been designed to support the full Chain of Survival by supporting effective CPR. The ZOLL AED Plus provides Real CPR Help® with instantaneous feedback on rate and depth of compressions, giving rescuers the confidence they need to help all sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) victims, not just the victims who require defibrillation.


The AED Plus Offers

  • Support for the complete Chain of Survival.
  • Real CPR Help® technology provides real-time feedback on rate and depth of chest compressions and supports rescuers with integrated text, voice, and visual prompts.
  • Help to all victims of SCA, even those for which no shock is advised.
  • A one-piece pad for fast accurate placement of electrodes.
  • Five-year battery and electrodes mean fewer replacements, improved readiness, and the benefit of a low total cost of ownership.
The ZOLL® AED Plus® continues to set the benchmark for design, dependability, durability, and performance
Only half of sudden cardiac arrest victims will initially need a shock, but all require high-quality CPR

More Important Features

  • Intelligent Pediatric Capability.
  • ZOLLs Rectilinear Biphasic Waveform.
  • Total AED Program Management with En-Pro.
  • Guidelines 2015 Ready.
  • Post-Event Electrode Replacement Program (PEER).


  • ZOLL AED Plus with Text, Picture, and Voice Prompts (factory new with 5-Year warranty and made in the USA).
  • One-piece CPR-D•padz™ (these electrodes are required for the unique CPR feedback function of this AED).
  • AED Rescue Kit (CPR barrier mask, scissors, prep razor, gloves, dry towel, and a moist towel in a small zip lock pouch).
  • Duracell® Batteries (accept no substitutes!).
  • ZOLL Data Review Software.
  • AED Plus Demonstration and Set Up Videos on CD.

See our other AED's from ZOLL!

One-piece CPR-D•padz™ (these electrodes are required for the unique CPR feedback function of this AED.)

Get Started!

AEDGrant.com gives you a FREE Prescription with every AED!!!

Please call 760-944-1048 ext 114 for further Grant details.

This grant is very easy to obtain. A simple one-page application is all it takes. To download the AED Grant application Click Here.

Real CPR Help®

The evidence is indisputable: high-quality CPR is the primary component in influencing survival from cardiac arrest.1 Not every patient will need a defibrillating shock, but every patient will need CPR.

Even for seasoned healthcare professionals, it’s hard to know if you are pushing hard enough and fast enough to meet current Guidelines for compression rate and depth. With Real CPR Help, you know. It provides audio and visual feedback that guides rescuers to deliver high-quality CPR.

How Real CPR Help Works

Using accelerometer technology, a sensor inside ZOLL’s CPR electrodes captures the rate and depth of each compression. Once the electrodes are placed on the patient, the person providing CPR presses on the clearly marked hand placement indicator that covers the sensor. The information captured is sent to the defibrillator, where it is immediately processed and provided in real time to the rescuer.

In addition, on all ZOLL AEDs and professional defibrillators, an adaptive metronome will guide you to provide the Guidelines-recommended rate of compressions. What you see and/or hear will depend on how your device is configured.

On the AED Plus, rescuers will hear the prompt “Push Harder” or “Good Compressions,” and the same message will appear on the AED screen.

Chances of Survival More than Doubled

Studies in Arizona and California prove that high-quality CPR saves lives and that Real CPR Help can improve CPR quality.2,3 A large study of EMS providers in Arizona showed that the odds of survival increased 2.7 times with ZOLL’s industry-exclusive Real CPR Help and scenario-based training.2 And survival to discharge and good neurological outcomes doubled after the implementation of a “resuscitation bundle” at the University of California San Diego Medical Center that included Real CPR Help and specialized training.3

Real CPR Help gives rescuers at every experience level real-time CPR feedback to provide high-quality CPR and the confidence that they are providing the best CPR possible.

1Meaney PA, et al. Circulation. 2013 Jul 23;128(4):417–35.
2Bobrow B, et al. Annals of Emergency Medicine. July 2013:62(1):47-56.31.
3Davis DP, et al. Resuscitation. 2015 Jul;92:63-9.

Our Goal: An AED wherever tragedy may strike.

An AED in every Home…
An AED in every Business…
An AED in every Public Place…

AEDGrant.com ~
Providing Funding to Empower America in Deploying these Critical Lifesaving Devices...

AEDGrant.com ~ Providing Funding to Empower America in Deploying these Critical Lifesaving Devices..

AEDGrant.com Public & Private Entities Grant for funding Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). This program is designed to help institutions and individuals everywhere place these amazing life-saving devices at an affordable price. You may even apply as an Individual for a Home AED! Generous participation and corporate backing have been secured by AEDGrant.com for this corporate sponsored AED Buy Down Grant Project . AEDGrant.com also offers training for CPR and AEDs. AEDGrant.com can help you donate an AED, receive funding for an AED Device, place defibrillators in your home or workplace, help public facilities obtain AED Grants for Automated External Defibrillators and discounts on AED Batteries and AED Cabinets. We work with AED Manufacturers such as Philips, Physio Control, Defibtech, HeartSine, and Zoll to provide state of the art AED machines like the OnSite, FRx, LifePak CR2, Lifeline, Samaritan PAD 350P, and more... let us know your Defibrillation of AED Training need, and we can help you find your AED answers. We even have resources for refurbished AEDs and AED Refurbishers. What was your search term & what Search engine did you use? Email us, we'd love to know!