Shipping for AED units is directly from the Distributors or Manufacturers. As AEDGrant.com is not a Distributor itself, the program cannot guarantee stock availability or shipping time. Orders for most participating AED brands ship in 30-60 business days.
The AEDGrant.com program is for the 50 United States only. US Territories, Commonwealths, etc. may qualify under special circumstances, but no International participation is allowed.
One year or longer limited warranty on all products.
Product & Pricing are subject to change and/or substitution without notice.
As Medical Devices, AEDs cannot be returned. Some accessories may be returned, if necessary, with pre-authorization.
20% restocking fee on all returns & cancellations; only unopened product accepted for return; all returns must be pre-authorized. Shipping & handling paid by the customer each way. Medical Devices cannot be returned, except under special circumstances.
If you return an order without pre-authorization, the return may be subject to refusal or subject to redirect fee if returned to the incorrect warehouse.
Cancellations must be received before the order is processed. Check payments may be held for up to 8 business days before processing to assure funds.
AEDs obtained through the program may take 30 business days or longer to ship. As Class III medical devices, often the manufacturers will go on ship hold while assuring lifesaving readiness of the devices, and in order to avoid any possible updates or recalls. In general, AEDs, as medical devices, cannot be returned, but when pre-approved, returns for reasons other than defective merchandise must be approved and returned within 30 days of ship date.
Your information may be shared with AEDGrant.com Program Sponsors, but will not be sold or shared with other parties. You may have your organization listed on our website or in a Press Release if you participate in the program (application does not denote participation, only acceptance and purchase through the program is considered participation for these purposes)
In order to provide the best online shopping experience for our customers, we utilize our Google Analytics account information which includes end user (customers who interact with our online stores, while logged into their Google account) location, search history, YouTube history, and data from sites that partner with Google to provide aggregated and anonymized insights into Google users' cross device behaviors. To view your activity dashboard you may visit: My Google Activity. You have the ability to see your activity, delete it manually, or choose to delete it automatically using the controls on this page: See & Control your Google web & app Activity.
Our Goal: An AED wherever tragedy may strike.
An AED in every Home…
An AED in every Business…
An AED in every Public Place…
AEDGrant.com ~
Providing Funding to Empower America in Deploying these Critical Lifesaving Devices...
AEDGrant.com ~ Providing Funding to Empower America in Deploying these Critical Lifesaving Devices..