Now Available Without A Prescription ~ Also available as a Home AED
Our Best Option: NEW Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
HeartStart OnSite AED
OnSite is designed for the ordinary person in the extraordinary moment. It is easy to set-up and includes automatic Life Guidance features like voice prompts and CPR coaching to help guide you through the treatment of sudden cardiac arrest. Philips, the leader in portable defibrillation technology, designed the HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator for the ordinary person in the extraordinary moment. Available without a prescription, the OnSite is designed to be the easiest-to-use2,3 and most reliable defibrillator available. The innovative technology, based on extensive research and user feedback, has produced a defibrillator so easy to use that you can potentially save the life of a co-worker, friend, or anyone else stricken with sudden cardiac arrest.
Step-by-step guidance so you know exactly what to do
OnSite has a clean and simple interface that’s easy to use and understand. Its voice instructions guide you through the entire process, from placing the pads, to delivering a shock, to performing CPR. You won’t get lost because the intelligent sensors can detect what step you’re on and adjust to your level of expertise.
Ready to use when you need it
Setting up the OnSite is easy and quick. The pads and battery are already installed. Just pull the green tab to launch the initial self-test. After that, the OnSite performs daily self-tests so you can trust that it is ready-to-go if needed.
Instructions that adapt to your pace
When you place the SMART pads on the victim’s bare skin, they adapt the defibrillator’s instructions to your actions. They follow your pace so they don’t overwhelm, run ahead, or slow you down. If needed, the prompts are repeated or rephrased, sometimes even including additional instructions to help you understand.
Fast shocks to improve treatment success
Since minimizing the time to shock after the last CPR compression may improve survival, shock delivery time is critical. The Onsite is among the fastest in class at delivering shock treatment after CPR*.
Personalized therapy for each patient
Before you can deliver a shock, the OnSite automatically checks to make sure a shock is necessary and that the right therapy is given. If you install the infant/child SMART Pads, the defibrillator will automatically adjust to a lower energy level and modify the coaching instructions to provide infant/child CPR.
Easy to train your team
The OnSite easily converts to a training unit when you attach training pads—no need to purchase separate equipment to practice rescue scenarios with your team. These special pads prevent the defibrillator from delivering a shock and activate its training mode which includes eight different emergency scenarios.
Weighing just 3.3 lbs., this small and lightweight defibrillator can be easily carried to the patient's side. Using clear, natural voice instructions, the OnSite Defibrillator guides you through each step of defibrillation and CPR. Integrated SMART Pads placed on the patient’s bare skin transmit information to the defibrillator, which senses and adapts to your actions every step of the way.
HeartStart OnSite includes proven Philips technologies for heart rhythm assessment (SMART Analysis) and defibrillation energy delivery (SMART Biphasic). And like all HeartStart defibrillators, it can be used to treat adults, as well as infants and children4.
Ready When Needed
HeartStart OnSite is powered by a simple, long-life (four-year) battery, the same technology used with confidence in millions of cameras. Just click the battery in place, and the defibrillator is standing by, ready for use.
Between uses, the defibrillator performs daily, weekly, and monthly self-tests of its electrical components, subsystems, and battery to help ensure continued reliability and readiness. A pads integrity test, which checks daily that the cartridge is properly installed and that the defibrillator pads are in working order, provides an additional level of assurance.
As long as the green “Ready” light on the defibrillator is blinking, the OnSite has passed its last self-test and you can be confident the HeartStart OnSite is ready for use. If a self-test finds that the defibrillator needs attention, the “Ready” light turns off and the defibrillator “chirps” to alert you. Pressing the flashing blue “Information” button provides verbal guidance to help you identify and correct the situation.
Easy to Use
Using the HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator is simple. Pulling the green handle activates the defibrillator and voice instructions. These instructions are paced to your actions, to help guide you through the entire process, from placing pads on the patient to delivering a defibrillation shock. Works as a Home AED without a prescription.
HeartStart OnSite determines if a heart rhythm is shockable:
- If a shock is indicated, the defibrillator directs you to press the flashing orange “Shock” button. Then, HeartStart OnSite delivers a dose of low-energy biphasic therapy, a highly effective defibrillation waveform that is also gentle to the heart.
- If a shock is not indicated, the OnSite Defibrillator instructs you to assess the patient and to perform CPR when necessary. While performing CPR, the defibrillator's voice instructions can be activated to coach you on the frequency and depth of compressions.
HeartStart OnSite also reminds you to call emergency medical services (EMS). And, should EMS need a summary of care, it can be retrieved from the defibrillator's internal memory. An EMS provider simply presses the “i-button” and HeartStart OnSite verbally recounts events from its last clinical use.
Philips, Leading the Way
The HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator is the first defibrillator available for commercial and institutional users without a prescription. As the leader in innovative defibrillation technology, Philips is committed to making defibrillators more widely available so that more lives can be saved. Now with over-the-counter status, Philips is making it easier for companies and organizations to institute early defibrillation programs.
Defibrillators are just one aspect of a well-planned resuscitation program. Philips recommends medical oversight of early defibrillation programs by a physician or other authorized medical practitioner. To support customers' implementation efforts, Philips offers HeartStart Essentials, a suite of comprehensive products and services designed to help you deploy a successful defibrillation program - from planning and medical direction, to training and post-sales support. What a great Home AED.
See our other AED's from Philips!
1Frost & Sullivan
1Andre, et al. Automated External Defibrillator Use by Untrained Bystanders: Can the Public-use Model Work? Prehospital Emergency Care 2004;8:284-291
3Snyder, Time to Shock vs Voice Prompt Duration: Optimization of Defibrillators for Public Access and Home Deployment. 6th Scientific Congress of the European Resuscitation Council, Oct 2002
4The Infant/Child pads cartridge is sold separately, and available only under the orders of a physician.
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